Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Courage to Publish

I'm about to get braver. During an interesting conversation Thursday night, after our Writers' Guild meeting, I discovered that a talented young writer got her first short story published by sending it out simultaneously to 20 different publishers. Not cool in the publishing world? That's what I've been told, too, but she says otherwise. Four journals accepted her story - yes, she had to scramble to withdraw from three of them. But it worked, and she made a good point: if you submit one piece to one place at a time, you might have some real publishing success by the time you're.......85. Hmm. I think I'm changing my approach, today. Oh, by the way, one of the publishers that she turned down accepted a different story from her. I remember being told that doesn't happen, too.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tip for Writer's Block

Writers: here's one of many ways to tackle writer's block: Sit down with a notebook and list every single person you can think of from your past. Start with your parents, siblings, relatives, move on to teachers, friends, fellow students in elementary school, then middle school, then high school, counselors, doctors, neighbors, grocery clerks, your mailman, the guy in the funny-looking hat who always stood near the entry to the drugstore and you didn't know his name but you remember what he looked like, etc. etc. I can guarantee that before you get very far in your list, you will have a strong memory about someone you'd forgotten about, and that memory will spark the beginning of a poem, short story, memoir, essay, or novel - whatever your preferred form. This is not my original idea - I read it recently and can't remember to whom credit is due, but it's a wonderful idea!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Where to read my poem

The poem can be read on the Birmingham Arts Journal website (just google that name). The poem is on page 45 - you might have to enlarge the print to read it. Because of particular copyright laws, I'd prefer not to put it on this blog. Thanks for your interest!

Latest Publication!

I received my copies of the Birmingham Arts Journal today - my poem's on page 45. A good feeling. No payment, just free copies and the joy of seeing a poem in print. CK :)